Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Slow Death!

Hi Everyone!

I know it's been super long since I last posted, but something HUGE is coming up in the California ballot in November. People will get to vote whether food products in California will have to be labeled GMO or not. Genetically Modified Foods are soooooo dangerous to ourselves, our children, and our future generations. They are literally killing or causing a slow death among our population, and we don't even know it. If this passes in California, it is likely to pass in other states. This movie is only available to watch until October 17th, which happens to be my birthday, so please, make my birthday special by viewing the movie below, and letting me know what you think. If you're wondering why your kids, your parents, or yourself is sick, please go to the website below!!


  1. Hi Brittany!! I was googling GAPS and Disneyland and you popped up! I just read through your blog and wish you were my next door neighbor :) I have been trying to motivate myself to start my family on GAPS for about 7 months now and my daughters symptoms are now at the point where I know it is what I need to do...
    So I am also LDS and have 3 {blonde :) } kids about the ages of yours... I am just wondering how long you think you will be on the diet and if you ever plan on weening off? I don't know if you still check this blog but it would be so cool to get to know you and hear your experiences! I don't want to be crazy stalker ...and it totally sounds werid but maybe we could email or chat? My name is Jaime. Here is my email address if you are interested in having a GAPS buddy :)

  2. Hi Brittany, I found your blog from a link on the Becoming Betty blog, and it has been so fascinating to see your family's health success from GAPS. I've been dealing with health issues over the years, and this last January was diagnosed with Lyme Disease after the birth of my daughter. I've been reading the GAPS book, and it has been so interesting, but I have some more questions, and I don't know of anyone else who has been through the diet. Would you mind emailing me sometime? I promise I'm not a weirdo. I live in Mesa and am LDS :)

    Thank you!
