Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chronic Allergies

My oldest son had/has chronic allergies.  It was pretty sad and annoying at the same time. He would snort and sniff all day long. He was so used to it, he just thought it was apart of life. His teachers thought he was always sick with a cold, sneezing and stuffy. I had to tell them it was allergies and that he wouldn't get anyone else sick. His worse season was Sept-March, and then it would come and go. Summers were pretty good, but every September, it would creep in again like clock work.

Since starting the GAPS diet, his allergies came and went. The summer was pretty good, so I thought, YES, his allergies have been healed, but then, September came, and so did his allergies. It was the same time I was introducing egg whites, so it was hard to tell if it was his regular allergies coming back, or if it was a reaction to the egg whites. I finally stopped the egg whites, and with it, his allergies stopped. It's been about 8 weeks, and he has been allergy free. 8 weeks, it's crazy! He was so chronic, even on the GAPS diet, that I'm in awe that it's November, (when it's typically the worst), and he has been breathing clearly. I'm sure his allergies are not over, as there is still alot of healing to take place, but it's amazing to me that he has been this clear, for this long.

A lot of times, allergies occur because your body is overwhelmed by toxins, and the liver (which is your major detoxifying organ), may be too backed up, and not able to detoxify the body. So, inflammation occurs. A good way to clean out the liver, is with essential oils. I love essential oils, I can't say it enough about them. They can be used instead of medicine, to help with sickness.  For the liver cleanse, I use:

1 drop of lemon essential oil
1 drop of peppermint essential oil
in 1 Tbl. of lemon juice

I would take it in the morning about 15 min. before I ate anything. You should take it 3 weeks on, and one week off.

This can be pretty strong, and hot, so you can dilute it with water at first in order to get use to it. I added a little stevia (pre-gaps) in order to make it like a little lemonade for my kids.

My oldest son's liver must be getting stronger! I used the liver cleanse on him last year, and when he was on it for the three weeks, he did fabulously. When I would take him off for a week, all of his allergies would come rushing back. This year, I haven't had to use it. Yeah!!

It took about 2 months on the liver cleanse before I saw results in him last year. Everyone's body is different. I hope this helps!

Keep eatin' fat!


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